HomeTrendingJohn Mark Comer revealed his wife, Tammy Comer, caught a new array...

John Mark Comer revealed his wife, Tammy Comer, caught a new array of neurological symptoms after fighting chronic illness for decades

On March 7, 2017, the New York Times best-selling author, John Mark Comer, shared his wife Tammy’s picture in a patient gown on his Instagram with the caption, “My lovely trooper of a wife/karate master is in the hospital all day today for a spinal tap.”

He further wrote, “Some of you know T’s had a chronic illness for over a decade that’s been difficult, but not debilitating, thank God. But in December, she started to display a whole new array of neurological symptoms, some of which are pretty scary.

In the lengthy caption, John also mentioned that she underwent bunches of medical tests, including 4 MRIs, but no precise diagnosis has been made.

However, he asked for prayer and expressed gratitude toward the people and community, writing, “Love for you to pray for her/us as the Spirit gives you direction. We’re very grateful for the incredible community around us as we go on this journey.”

Key Takeaways

  • John Mark Comer’s wife, Tammy Comer, suffered severe illness all her life.
  • After struggling with chronic illness for more than a decade, she once again went through health difficulties that made her feel like ‘something inside her body broke.’
  • She went through numerous health tests, but doctors were unsure what happened to her.
  • Initially, they said that Tammy had a brain tumor, then spinal tumors, and then again, Multiple Sclerosis, but couldn’t make an exact diagnosis.
  • Tammy later came in contact with some godly man who helped her to get healed from her illness supernaturally.

Tammy Comer said ‘she felt like her body broke,’ but doctors couldn’t diagnose her illness

In an exclusive talk with the UK monthly women’s magazine, John Mark Comer’s wife, Tammy, opened up on her struggle with health issues, which she considers a family curse.

She said that since her childhood days, she suffered several illnesses, and she had to be admitted to hospital in different phases of her life. But, at the start of 2017, Tammy started feeling like ‘something in her body broke.’

“It started in my face. I began to have spasms in my eyes that eventually moved down my face and into my mouth as well. I was having bouts of shaking, and I lost a substantial amount of vision.”

Then, Tammy consulted with doctors, but that didn’t make her journey easy; instead, it entangled her in further suffering. It was because doctors couldn’t determine what happened to her.

She further stated, “At first, the doctors thought I had a brain tumor, then spinal tumors. They tested me for all sorts of things. Eventually, they concluded that I most likely had either Multiple Sclerosis or late-stage Lyme disease.”

Visiting doctors seems to be an endless process in her life, and every moment she felt due to illness was a humbling moment for her.

However, her strong belief in God made her stand strong through all roughness. She said, “But it was in my brokenness that God taught me to trust him. In my honesty before him, he met me.”

John Mark Comer’s wife believes God’s grace healed her from illness

John’s wife, Tammy, strongly believes in god and completely trusts that there are supernatural ways to find redemption.

So, to recover from her disease, she visited a godly man with her husband who broke the family curse. She said, “It was unemotional and felt transactional, but at that moment, my face went completely calm. I felt like something had lifted off me, and I have been completely healthy ever since.” 

As per her, her great-grandmother was cursed that ‘every first-born daughter in her bloodline would suffer from a terrible illness or have an early death.”

Looking back at her family history, the curse came true as every first-born girl from her father’s side either died young or struggled with severe illness, but now Tammy has supernaturally broken the curse.


What does John Mark Comer do now?

As per his Instagram bio, John Mark Comer is a teacher with Practicing the Way.

What church is John Mark Comer, pastor of?

He is a founding pastor of Bridgetown Church and attends several pastors’ conferences.

Does John Mark Comer have a podcast?

Yes, he hosts the Practicing the Way podcast, which is available on his official YouTube channel.

Anuja Uprety
Anuja Uprety
Anuja Uprety is a content writer with almost two years of experience in the field. She is a passionate researcher and likes to use the skill to explore Hollywood trend.

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