HomeTrendingRabbi Shmuley Bernstein is the proud father of six daughter and three...

Rabbi Shmuley Bernstein is the proud father of six daughter and three sons

Jacob Shmuel Boteach, mostly known as Rabbi Shmuley, welcomed 9 children, six daughters, and three sons, with his Australian wife, Debbie Bernstein.

All of his children are grown up now and have their own separate careers. Rabbi Shmuley often shares his daughter and son’s pictures on social media sites, showing his love for them.

Similarly, on 31 May 2019, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach uploaded a Facebook post with an image of himself with his daughter Shaina on her graduation day.

In the caption, the Kosher Jesus author shares how proud he is to be the father of nine children, saying, “I’m the proud father of six daughters and three sons, thank God. I love seeing my kids educated and love knowledge. Our daughter Shaina graduates today from Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women. Mazel tov!!!”

Rabbi Shmuley Bernstein’s nine children are daughters Mushki, Chana, Rochel Lea, Shaina, Shterny Glick, and sons Mendy, Yosef, and Dovid Bernstein.

Among his 6 daughters, it is known that Mushki and Rochel Lea are married, and their husbands’ names are Arik and Itamar Taktuk, consecutively. Moreover, Mushki has a son whom she named after her grandfather Yoav, the great leader of world Jewry.

Key Takeaways

  • Rabbi Shmuley Bernstein’s whole family is a supporter of IDF, as they are Persian Jewish.
  • His daughter Chana helps and educates many people about intimate s#x and also sells products that improve intimacy between couples.
  • Rabbi Shmuley’s daughters, Chana and Rochel Leah are fighting against antisemitism along with their father.

Rabbi Shmuley Bernstein’s daughters Chana and Rochel Leah are in the spotlight for supporting the Israel Defense Forces and fighting against antisemitism

Rabbi Shmuley Bernstein was born to an Israeli father, Yoav Botach (1932–2020), a Persian Jew, and an American mother, Eleanor (1942–2023), an American Jewish. His father met his mother while visiting Beersheba, Israel.

Having Israeli roots and Jewish followers, Rabbi Shmuley has always been a supporter of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), and he often uploads posts related to Israeli (Jewish) and Palestinian (Arab) wars that are fighting for the same land.

However, recently, his daughters Rochel Leah and Chana have been making statements on social media supporting Israelis along with her father and raising their voices against antisemitism.

On November 15, 2023, Rabbi Shmuley uploaded an Instagram post with a picture of Jewish people marching in DC while supporting Israel.

In the posts, he says, “My daughter Chana @kosher_sex sent me the most compelling message about #JewishPower after seeing 300k people gather in DC. “Don’t try and intimidate a nation that was around thousands of years before almost any other nation still in existence. We’ve fought and stood up to the Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Nazis etc, and they’re all history. And that was through our faith in God and our ferocious, unbreakable spirit. And now we’re back in Israel, and we’re not going anywhere. We Jews struggle with the divine, and we are victorious. Our enemies never learn.“

Shmuley equally supports his daughter Chana and Rochel Leah’s different career choices

Chana and Rochel have different career paths, and both are pretty successful in their own fields.

Chana is the founder of “Kosher S#x,” which produces and sells various oils and toys to improve the quality of intimate relationships. She also educates people about intimate s#x.

Rabbi Shmuley uploaded a post supporting his daughter Chana’s career while advertising his Kosher S#x products. In other posts, Shmuley defends her daughter, while antisemitic Candace Owens says her products are “Filth.”

Through an Instagram video, he replies to Candace Owens, saying, “ANTI-SEMITE Candace Owens Attacked my daughter Kosher S#x Product Calling it “Filth.” Did she say this because it happened to be made in Israel?”

He adds while writing, “Go to koshers#x to get 10% off using the code “CandaceO.”

On the other hand, Rabbi Shmuley’s other daughter, Rochel Leah, is the founder and executive director of Child Safety Pledge.

The organization aims to prevent and combat child se#ual abuse in the United States.


What is Rabbi Shmuley’s net worth?

Rabbi Shmuley Bernstein’s exact figure of networth is not available on the internet; however, as per some sources, he might have around 50 million in 2024.

What does Rabbi Shmuley’s son Mendy do?

Mendy is the eldest son of Rabbi Shmuley, and he served as an active duty and reserve IDF soldier for more than 7 years.

Who is Rabbi Shmuley’s daughter Shterny Glick’s husband?

Shterny Glick is married to her husband, Yossi Glick, who is a doctor.

Ruhi Tiwari
Ruhi Tiwari
Ruhi, a dedicated undergrad at Verbicons, channels her passion for television and pop culture. Beyond textbooks, she delves into the captivating world of TV shows, offering insightful and engaging content for fellow enthusiasts through her writing.

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