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The story of Brittany Baker: From overcoming the infertility problem to hosting Design Goals and giving 1960s homes a modern facelift

With the premiere release of Design Goals on Magnolian Network on March 23, 2024, Brittany Baker has once again become a fan favorite.

Brittany Baker and her best friend Annie Hawkins have collaborated on projects, such as The Home Team with Britt and Annie in 2022 and First Time Fixer in 2021. This time, they are ready to turn clients’ aspirations into dream transformations.

She is a 39-year-old businesswoman of resilience who has combined her passions for renovations, design, and style to bring her DIY ideas to life.

Key Takeaways

  • Brittany Baker is a 39-year-old mom, wife, and host of the Design Goals series.
  • She is married to her husband, John Robert Baker.
  • She faced an infertility and miscarriage problem but bravely overcame it with the help of her family and gave birth to her daughter.

Brittany Baker’s husband and parents supported her through the ups and downs of her life

The host of Design Goals, Brittany Baker, was born on February 7, 1985, to her mother, Gina Getter, and has a sister, Mega Piranha.

Later, on May 16, 2009, she married her friend John Robert (JR) Baker, who is still deeply in love with the host, having completed 14 years of marriage and 15 years of togetherness.

Yet, the journey had its share of struggles, as the couple wanted to be parents.

Brittany Baker found that she had difficulty conceiving a baby while she loved the baby more than anything. She had to undergo the loss of her twin baby once.

She quotes, “Moments when infertility is more tender, I think about my friends’ kids and my sisters’ babies and how freed up I am to love them so deeply, how privileged I feel that they trust us…and how well it works out that they can all be bribed with carbs.”

Being a devout Christian and JR Baker, a pastor, she always kept faith in Jesus and believed he had plans for her, and the day came.

After 3.5 years of treatment for ovulation induction, Brittany Baker finally spread the news that she is due in May 2017.

Later, on May 19, 2017, she finally gave birth to her first baby girl, Jovie Ross. She is thankful to her husband and mother, who supported her through the difficulty.

The real-life fighter Brittany Baker is ready to step foot in the DIY world again with Design Goals

Brittany Baker took a step into the renovation world from her business endeavor, Welcome To Home Court, with her best friend, Annie Hawkins, which received its first staging project.

The episode premiered on Magnolian Network and streamed on Discovery Plus on January 4, 2021.

The same year, Brittany Baker, with her best friend, produced First Time Fixer on the Magnolian Network, which Chip Gaines and Joanna Gaines run.

After the project’s success, Brittany Baker released season 1 of The Home Team again with Annie Hawkins on October 14, 2022.

Season one ended with 8 episodes and premiered its last episode on December 3, 2022. Their works featured DIY ideas for fixing torn-down kitchens, styling people’s spaces, or designing out the park.

Following these steps, Brittany Baker is striving to come back with a massive comeback after spending over 10 months on the next season of The Home Team, which goes by Design Goals.

Brittany Baker and Annie Hawkins posted on their Instagram that the show is ready for premiere on March 24, 2024, on Magnolian Network.

They have poured their dedication into renovating the 1960s home by giving the living area and kitchen a midcentury modern facelift with their innovative DIY ideas.


What is the ethnicity of Brittany Baker from Design Goals?

Brittany Baker is an American who belongs to Christian ethnicity and is a devotee of Jesus.

Who is Annie Hawkins in The Home Team with Britt & Annie?

Annie Hawkins is a former pro soccer player, the cast of the reality show The Home Team with Britt & Annie, and best friend of Brittany Baker.

Muskan Ghimire
Muskan Ghimire
Muskan Ghimire is an enthusiastic writer, editor, and blogger who likes to share updates on recent political, sports, and entertainment news. She has the writing and editing experience of more than two years. Over this time, she significantly enhanced her writing skills, crafting clear and engaging content. She has also accumulated in-depth knowledge in various niches, making her subject matter expert capable of editing with precision. With time, she has achieved SEO mastery, which lets her optimize content for search engines, improving visibility and ranking. Meanwhile, she has honed her communication skills, thanks to the continuous interactions with writers, bloggers, and show biz professionals, which led to new opportunities and collaborations.

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